If you are like most people, when you get ready in the morning to go to school or work and reach for your deodorant, I bet you take the cap off and never think a thing about it. You spray or stroke on brand x and go on your way.
Have you ever thought about the ingredients that are used to make up your can of “Smell Pretty?” Yes, I know, who does? But in the times we live in, where chemicals are so prevalent in almost every store bought product, it is unwise to stay in the dark about it. In fact, we should be taking a hard look at every product we use…especially if it comes in contact with our skin.
With that said, let’s take a peek at our deodorants shall we? Go ahead, I’ll wait here.
Okay, good you’re back! 🙂
If you take a look at your label, under the ingredients, what do you see? Chemicals right? Can you pronounce them? This is my point, if you aren’t able to pronounce the ingredients in your deodorant, do you think it wise to be spraying or smearing it all over you underarm?
More specifically, your underarm area deserves a whole lot more respect than what you most likely give it…but why?
Your Lymph Nodes
If you think about it, your body is nothing short of amazing. One of the neatest internal structures that we possess is our lymph nodes. If you aren’t sure what they do, the article below does a great job of explaining them.
What are lymph nodes?
By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD Lymph is clear or white fluid that travels through vessels, moves within tissues and work to keep all the parts of the body clean. After passing through the channels of the lymphatic system they drain into the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes act as filters along the lymphatic system.
Basicly, your lymph nodes serve as an internal plumbing system for cellular waste. Their location in your underarms is particularly critical when it comes to the application of deodorant because of the chemical cocktail that normally makes up the majority of all deodorants on the market.
A common ingredient in deodorant is aluminum which is added to provide an anti-wetness effect while we are out and about enjoying life. But this same aluminum is proving to be hazardous because of its pore clogging tendencies.
Since we are meant to sweat through our pores, if they are blocked, our bodies are prohibited from releasing toxins. These toxins, since they can’t escape through our pores are essentially trapped in our bodies and often re-enter our lymph node system causing a variety of health problems, not the least of which could potentially be cancerous.
Natural Deodorant
Can you really smell great all day and not use the deodorant found in your local drug store, WalMart, etc.? You sure can!
Once you understand what underarm odor is caused by then it becomes easy to understand how to combat it and to do so safely.
Simply put, our sweat isn’t what stinks, it is the bacteria that resides on our skin surface that causes the problem. When this bacteria mingles with our sweat, we then, well….stink.
Natural agents such as: corn starch, baking soda, and coconut oil are powerhouses in their own right and are more than capable of knocking out any odors that your underarms try to produce. These are the base ingredients for our homemade deodorants and that’s why we know it works!
Here’s where to go to order our most popular scent Lemon Lavender !
Have you ever considered using a natural deodorant?
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